Selection and Placement

The Office of International Relations at Boğaziçi Univeresity chooses students for Erasmus+, Exchange, and Mevlana programs from among applicants to nominate for application to universities with which Boğaziçi has exchange agreement.

    The 5 Steps to Exchange
    1. Student submits Online Application for nomination to Exchange programs.
    2. Office of Internationıal Relations announces placement results.
    3. Student submits Letter of Confirmation (Taahhütname).
    4. Student passes review of GPA
    5. Student applies to Exchange Program.


      Minimum Requirements for Application:

      • Undergraduate students must have completed at least two semesters, and graduate students must have completed at least one semester at Bogazici University (excluding English Prep. and remedial semesters).
      • A minimum GPA of 2.50/4.00 for undergraduates, and  3.00/4.00 for graduate students.
      • In order to be able to apply to a specific partner university, the student must satisfy all of the requirements specified by that partner (such as language and GPA).
      • The student must continue to be a student at Bogazici University at least for one more semester (excluding summer terms) after returning home from abroad.

      Language requirement: Some partner universities require that TOEFL scores be provided at the time of Nomination, and that some countries require TOEFL scores as part of the application for the Student Visa. Please ask during the Information Sessions about the language requirements for the universities to which you would like to apply.

      Applications for Nomination to Exchange Programs are accepted in three (3) placement sessions.

          1. The Online Application for Nomination to Exchange Programs

   -->Student Information (giriş yap) --->Exchange Applications

            Register for the nomination system with a valid email address. Once you have completed the nomination request, the system will automatically send you a copy of your application.

            The system shows the programs to which you may apply. The choices presented will be based on the existing agreements between departments, faculties, institutes, and entire universities. Erasmus program aggrements are made between the departments of the host university and Boğaziçi University; Exchange and Mevlana agreements are general agreements including all departments, or restricted to a set of departments.

            • You will be shown only the options that are available to you based on your department.
            • You will be shown only those schools with languages in which you are able to attend courses.
            • You may list as many as 12 programs. You can choose from any of the Erasmus, Exchange, or Mevlana Exchange programs, in any combinations.

            How Applications are Evaluated

            Applicants are ranked according to their "University Points," which are calculated based on GPA and language proficiencies. For the details of these calculations, please attend at least one of the Erasmus/Exchange information sessions given by our office, or view this page: 

              2. Announcement of Placement Results.

              The student numbers of the individuals who have been chosen for nomination will  be posted in the Announcements section of the website of the Office of International Relations. Download the Excel File to see if you have been chosen.

              The list will tell you to what partner university you have been chosen for nomination.

              • If you don't like where you have been placed, you can choose not to submit a Letter of Confirmation (Taahütname), and re-apply during the next application period.
              • Students nominated in the First Placement who haven't submitted their commitment letters or who have lost their placement due to language or GPA requirements may reapply during the Second Placement process provided that they satisfy the requirements stated above.
              • The Final Round of Placement (3rd) is only for those students applying during the Second Placement who haven't submitted their commitment letters or haven't been nominated. No new applications are accepted during this period.

              Notes on Mevlana Exchange applications

              • Mevlana Programs for Fall terms can be applied to only during the First Placement process.
              • Students who do not participate in their Mevlana Program even though they previously submitted their commitment letters cannot  apply to the Mevlana Programs again unless they can provide a valid excuse (for example, health reasons).

              3. Student submits Letter of Confirmation (Taahütname) to the Office of International Relations.

              Only students who have signed and submitted the Student Commitment Form [Taahhütname] will be nominated to their host institutions by the Office of International Relations.

              • If you wish to cancel your application after submitting the Student Commitment Form, you will need to submit a petition (dilekçe) to the Office of International Relations.

              4. Student passes the Grade Review (GPA), which takes place twice a year.

              5. The Office of International Relations submits a nomination on your behalf to the Exchange program to which you wish to apply.

              6. Student applies to partner university for their exchange program.